
1.15. Keyboard Shortcuts


Main Window

PPlay animation (+Ctrl for Preview frame)
S - Stop animation
B -  set Background from background selector
F -  add Figure from figure selector
E - Edit figure type of selected figure
O -  center selected figure in current view (move to Origin)
M -  flip / Mirror selected figure (+Ctrl for vertical flip)
C -  set Colour of selected figure
J - Join selected figure to another figure
I - Input segment / figure position / camera values
Delete -  Delete selected figures
Shift+Up -  raise selected figure in draw order (+Ctrl for 1 step)
Shift+Down -  lower selected figure in draw order (+Ctrl for 1 step)
Arrow keysmove selected figure (rotate segment if cursor over red handle)
Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Down -  set selected figure to previous in the list
Ctrl+Right or Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Up -  set selected figure to next in the list
A / Space - Add the frame or store the frame being edited
Ctrl+C - Copy selected figure
Ctrl+V -  paste selected figure
Ctrl+Alt+DDelete selected frames
Ctrl+Alt+C - Copy selected frames
Ctrl+Alt+V -  paste selected frames
<> or ,. -  store current frame and step to the previous/next frame
Ctrl+Drag Red Handlestretch segment (right mouse button to bend)
Alt+Drag Red Handlescale and rotate figure
Alt+Shift+Drag Red Handlescale figure without rotation
Alt+Ctrl+Drag Red Handlerotate figure without scaling
Alt+Z+Drag Red Handle -  rotate and scale multiple selected figures individually without separation
Alt+X+Drag Read Handle -  rotate and separate multiple selected figures without scaling
R+Drag Red Handle - Re-position joint (Edit Mode) (right mouse button to bend)
Caps Lock+Drag Red Handle - Isolate (Lock) the rotation of attached dynamic segments
Arrow keys when cursor over red handlerotate segment (Ctrl and Alt can be used in combination)
Shift+Arrow keys when cursor over red handle -  rotate segment to align with axes
Shift+Mouse Wheel when cursor over scale box - change the figure scale in small increments
L when cursor over handle - move figure or v-cam to align handle with previous frame (Shift to align with next frame)
Ctrl+N - New Animation
Ctrl+Alt+S - Save Animation as
Ctrl+B -  load Background Image
Ctrl+Alt+B -  set Background Colour
Ctrl+I -  load Sprite Image
Ctrl+F -  load Figure Type (stk)
Ctrl+Alt+F -  open Figure Builder Window
Ctrl+T -  create Text Object
Ctrl+Z -  undo
Ctrl+Y -  redo
Ctrl+A -  select All figures
Ctrl+Shift+A - select All figures of the same type as those currently selected
Ctrl+D - Duplicate selected figures
Ctrl+Alt+P - Reset Figure to Default Pose
Ctrl+Alt+O -  open Options window
+ or Mouse Wheel Upzoom in (+Shift for finer zooming)
- or Mouse Wheel Downzoom out (+Shift for finer zooming)
F1 -  scale zoom to 100%
F2 -  scale zoom to 200%
F3 -  scale zoom to selected figures and center
F4 -  scale zoom to animation area and center
F5 -  scale zoom to 50%
F6 -  scale zoom to virtual camera view
Drag with Mouse Wheel Down or Spacebar Down -  shift zoomed area
Ctrl+H -  show / hide Handles of unselected figures
Ctrl+K -  show / hide virtual camera viewport
Ctrl+Alt+K - reset virtual camera to default
F8 -  Center Camera Over Selected Figures
F9 -  Apply Virtual Camera to Figures
F10 -  Align Virtual Camera with Canvas
F11 -  Copy virtual camera of current frame
F12 -  Paste virtual camera into current frame
Ctrl+Alt+H -  go to pivot Help files web page
Ctrl+Alt+R -  view Readme file
Ctrl+Alt+A -  open About window
C -  add a Circle Segment
L -  add a Line Segment
P -  add Polygon
DDuplicate selected segment (+Shift for the whole branch, +Ctrl for mirror)
K -  change the Kind of the selected segment (line/circle)
F -  change the Fill of the selected circle
E -  change the End cap of the selected line
Up/Down - thickness +/-1 (+Shift for the whole branch, +Ctrl for +/-5)
S -  make the selected segment Static/dynamic (+Shift for the whole branch)
O -  set Origin joint of the figure at selected segment
Insertsplit selected segment by Inserting a joint (+Shift for the whole branch)
DeleteDelete selected segment or polygon (+Shift for the whole branch)
H -  set colour (Hue) of selected segment or polygon (+Shift for the whole branch, +Ctrl for gradient colour)
M flip (Mirror) the selected segment (+Shift for the whole branch, +Ctrl for flip vertical)
Right Arrowraise selected segment or polygon in draw order to top (+Shift for the whole branch, +Ctrl for 1 step)
Left Arrow - lower selected segment or polygon in draw order to bottom (+Shift for the whole branch, +Ctrl for 1 step)
Ctrl+Drag Red Handlestretch segment
Alt+Drag Red Handlescale and rotate figure
Alt+Shift+Drag Red Handlescale figure without rotation
Alt+Ctrl+Drag Red Handlerotate figure without scaling
R+Drag Red HandleRe-position joint (Edit Mode)
Caps Lock+Drag Red Handle - Isolate (Lock) the rotation of attached dynamic segments
Arrow keys when cursor over red handlerotate segment (Ctrl and Alt can be used in combination)
Shift+Arrow keys when cursor over red handle -  rotate segment to align with axes
Ctrl+NNew figure
Ctrl+OOpen figure
Ctrl+SSave figure
Ctrl+Alt+SSave As
Ctrl+AAdd figure to animation
Ctrl+U - Modify / Update edited figure in animation
Ctrl+I - load sprite Image
Ctrl+Z -  undo
Ctrl+Y -  redo
Ctrl+T -  make window Transparent / opaque
<> or ,. -  decrease / increase window transparency
Ctrl+P or Space bar - Preview the figure without handles
Ctrl+W -  increase outline thickness (Width)
Ctrl+Q -  decrease outline thickness
Ctrl+EEdit mode
+ or Mouse Wheel Upzoom in
- or Mouse Wheel Downzoom out
F1 -  scale zoom to 100%
F2 -  scale zoom to 200%
F3 -  scale zoom to selected segment or polygon and center (+Shift for whole branch)
F4 -  scale zoom to whole figure and center
F5 -  scale zoom to 50%
F8 - Match main Canvas Pan/Zoom with the figure builder pan/zoom when in transparent window mode
F9 - Set the background colour of the canvas
Drag with Mouse Wheel Down or Spacebar Down -  shift zoomed area
F12 - Highlight Selected Segment
C - Copy all values to the clipboard
V - Paste all values from the clipboard
Ctrl+R - Switch between absolute and Relative Angle


Esc - Closes most active windows