
1.2.2. Basic Positioning


Basic Pose and Movement

A figure consists of 'segments' (lines, circles or images) connected in a treelike structure by pivoting joints. Click and drag the red handle at the end of each segment with the mouse cursor to rotate it around its pivot and all the segments connected to it. Click and drag the orange 'origin' handle to move the whole figure. In this way you can easily adjust the pose of a figure to any position you want while keeping the proportions of the figure constant. More advanced figure positioning options are described on the Positioning Figures page.
When unselected, all figure handles will be displayed in blue. A figure can be selected by clicking on it anywhere. Rotating the mouse wheel while holding down the Ctrl key will also change the selected figure.
Drag the orange handle of a figure to move the whole figure
Drag a red handle with the left mouse button to rotate the segment it's at the end of and all segment attached to it

Positioning Toolbar

The positioning toolbar provides several options for positioning segments and figures in various ways. The toolbar can be shown at the top of the animation or figure builder canvases by clicking the small down arrow at the top of the canvas.
Positioning toolbar with the snap option enabled
Clicking a button will enable that option to control how the figure changes when a handle is dragged. Clicking it again disables that option. From left to right the options are Stretch segment, Bend Segment, Snap Stretch/Bend to Default, Edit Mode (Reposition Joints), Isolated Part Rotation, Rotate Whole Figure and Scale Whole Figure. Full details for the options are shown on the Positioning Figures page.

Size / Scale and Rotation

  The size of a figure can be changed in a few ways. You can set the scale by using the edit box control in the tools panel on the left hand side of the main window (the default will be 100%). The value can be changed quickly by clicking in the box and dragging up or down. You can also rotate the mouse wheel while the cursor is over the control. Finer adjustments of 0.1 can be made using left / right dragging or the mouse wheel while holding the Shift key.
or   You can also change the size of a figure by dragging a red handle with the left mouse button while holding down Alt+Shift key on the keyboard or by using the toolbar option, which can be quicker.